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D&J Power Tool Repairs Ltd
3 Downham Place Wolverhampton
Mon-Fri / Sat
08:00-16:30 08:00-12:00
01902 546996

About Us

A short Bio of who we are and what we do.

About D&J Power Tool Repairs Ltd:

Formerly the workshop of WW Fixings Marston Road Wolverhampton which changed to SIG Fixings in 2006.

SIG Fixings Wolverhampton closed down in December of 2015 and decided not to take the workshop side of the business with them.

We started up our own repair service on February 14th 2016, where we still provide the same service just at a different location and only 2 minutes’ drive from Marston Road WV2 4LA.

We are both manufacture trained and certified technicians and have between us over 50 years’ experience ranging from Petrol tools to PAT testing

Click here for a full list of the services we offer.


Looking forward to your custom.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Dave and John
D&J Power Tool Repairs Ltd.

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